Add asynchronous Javascript tag in ADF pages.

I have got a requirement to add asynchronous javascript to ADF pages and started using af:resource component but there is no option to add custom attribute for af:resource component. But here is the way..

Page content:

    <af:document id="d1">
      <af:form id="f1"></af:form>
      <af:clientListener method="sayHello" type="load"/>
      <f:facet name="metaContainer">
          <script src="../scripts/tester.js" async></script>

Application structure 

View cwallet.sso content from ADF project.

When using a file-based credential store with ADF applications, credentials will be stored in a cwallet file (cwallet.sso)

We can use orapki command to get an overview of what’s inside the file.  orapki.bat file will be available in \oracle_common\bin install location.

Try below commants to view file contents.

cd C:\xxxx\install\oracle\\FMW\Middleware\oracle_common\bin

orapki wallet display -wallet C:\xxxx\Workspace\\dev\xxxx\xxxx\Application_Name\src\META-INF\cwallet.sso